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Benhill Dental Practice


Tips for managing dental phobia in Sutton

No matter what age you are, going to the dentist can still be quite a nerve-wracking experience. Having a fear or feelings of anxiety about going to a practice is pretty common and there are a number of ways we can help you with your dental phobia in Sutton.

Dental Phobia in SuttonHere’s a few things you can try to keep yourself calm.

Listen to music

One good tip we can provide to help with dental phobia in Sutton is to listen to some music while you’re going through your treatments. Having your favourite track bumping away in your ears is a sure-fire way to distract yourself from what’s going on around you.

Although, if you’re making a playlist, we recommend that you try to limit it to calming music, sadly thumping bass lines and roaring metal can make your heart rate rise, which is not what you’re after.

Talk to our team

We really can’t stress it enough that you have to communicate with us whilst you’re in the practice. If you are a little shy to speak up, then we are happy to suggest a visual way of communicating when things are getting a little too much for you.

One of the biggest fears of patients suffering with dental phobia in Sutton, is having things go out of their control when they’re having a treatment performed. That’s why you need to signal that you need a break when things are a little too much or you just need a breather for a while.

At Benhill Dental Practice, our team will strive to provide you with a gentle, calming and relaxing atmosphere, as we help you improve your smile.

Bring in a bear

It may sound a little odd, but bringing in something from home is a great way to distract yourself during procedures. Having that familiar texture and smell of something, from a place where you feel safe, can help create a little calming focus for patients that might start to feel the anxiety kick in.

Practice calming breathing techniques

One of the main causes of feelings of anxiety is a spike in your Adrenaline levels. This is because in a stressful situation your bodies natural ‘fight or flight’ response kicks in and your system floods with Adrenaline. This manifests in shaking, sweating, high heart rate, tightness in the chest and a general feeling of anxiety.

To counteract this, the general recommendation is to slowly inhale through your nose and then exhale back out through your mouth. Repeating this a few times will increase your body’s oxygen intake, which in turn, allows it to break down the Adrenaline much quicker. As this is broken down, you should start to feel calmer and more relaxed.

There are a number of techniques to try and each one has its own unique benefits and levels of complexity.

So, as you can see there’s plenty of simple ways to keep yourself calm during your appointments. For further advice on how you can stay relaxed, just ask our team on your next visit.