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Category: Dental Hygiene

The Essential Guide to Dental Hygiene and Preventive Care at Benhill Dental Practice

At Benhill Dental Practice in Sutton, we firmly believe that successful dental hygiene is a partnership between you and our team of dedicated professionals. Our approach is holistic and comprehensive, focusing not only on treating any existing conditions but also on prevention for the future. We understand that good dental hygiene is not just about brushing and flossing; it’s about the choices you make every day, from what you eat to how you care for your teeth in between visits to our clinic. The aim of this guide is to provide you with essential insights into our approach to dental hygiene, how we can help you maintain a healthy smile, and why preventive care plays such a crucial role. Welcome to your journey towards better dental hygiene Sutton with Benhill Dental Practice.

Understanding Dental Hygiene


Dental hygiene, as we see it here at Benhill Dental Practice, is a comprehensive practice involving daily care, regular check-ups, and timely intervention. It’s about understanding the unique needs of your mouth and teeth and taking the necessary measures to keep them healthy. We don’t just focus on giving you a sparkling smile but also ensure your overall oral health is taken care of. Good dental hygiene is vital for preventing dental diseases, keeping your breath fresh, and for maintaining a bright and confident smile. Remember, the condition of your teeth and gums can significantly impact your overall health. As your trusted partners maintaining dental hygiene Sutton, we are committed to helping you understand and implement the best dental hygiene practices.

Our Holistic Approach to Dental Hygiene Sutton

In our quest for providing the best dental care, we adopt a holistic approach to dental hygiene in Sutton. At Benhill Dental Practice, we understand that everyone’s mouth is different, and so are their dental needs. Our team of professionals will tailor a hygiene plan to fit your specific requirements. This plan goes beyond just regular brushing and flossing; it includes advice on diet, habits, and lifestyle modifications. We believe in educating our patients about the importance of preventive care and the role it plays in maintaining overall health. Our practice is equipped with the latest technology, ensuring that you get the top-notch service you deserve. With us, dental hygiene is not just a routine; it’s a lifestyle.

Preventive Care Measures at Benhill Dental Practice

Preventive care is a cornerstone of our dental practice. Our team carries out a comprehensive examination during your regular visits to detect any signs of decay, gum diseases, or oral cancer. We provide professional cleaning to remove tartar build-up and offer advice on effective brushing and flossing techniques. Fluoride treatments and sealants are part of our preventive care measures to help protect your teeth. Remember, the key to maintaining good dental hygiene Sutton is not just treating issues as they arise, but preventing them from occurring in the first place. This is why we stress the importance of regular check-ups and cleanings. At Benhill Dental Practice, we’re not just looking at your dental health today, but also safeguarding it for the future.

Why Choose Benhill Dental Practice for Your Dental Hygiene Needs?

Choosing Benhill Dental Practice for your dental hygiene in Sutton means choosing a team that genuinely cares. We don’t just treat patients; we form lasting relationships. Our preventive care approach, tailored hygiene plans, and cutting-edge technology set us apart. Your comfort is our top priority, and our friendly staff ensure every visit is a pleasant experience. At Benhill, we strive for more than just a healthy smile – we want to improve your overall quality of life. Entrusting us with your dental hygiene means you’re not just getting a dental service; you’re joining a family dedicated to your comprehensive dental health and well-being. Come in for a visit and experience the Benhill difference!

Why dental hygiene Sutton is really worth it

When it comes to dental hygiene Sutton, you may think that brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash regularly have got you covered. However, you also need to add routine checkups with our dentist to ensure that all is well with your oral health. At Benhill Dental Practice, we have been treating patients at our current site for over 80 years, and we understand the importance of preventive dentistry. This is why we have dental hygiene Sutton at the heart of all that we do.

We have two dental hygienists, who are on hand to treat patients by thoroughly cleaning their teeth and gums in a way that toothbrushes and floss threads cannot. We can help make your teeth look lighter and brighter with practice-standard cleaning and address any issues that could lead to gum disease if left untreated. Our hygienists will be able to advise you of any early signs of gum disease, such as swollen gums, and educate you on brushing and flossing techniques to improve your efforts and ensure that you don’t develop serious problems. We don’t want our patients to lose any teeth; however, if you have either due to poor oral hygiene or another reason, such as an accident, we can replace your missing teeth with dental implants.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are tiny screws that can be used to fix your replacement teeth permanently into your mouth. Whether you need to replace a single tooth or a whole set, dental implants will act as bionic roots for your crowns, bridges or dentures. We can attach the screws to your jawbone, and they won’t move at all once the jawbone has healed around them. This will provide the stability your replacement teeth require to stay in your mouth 24-7, meaning you won’t have to take them out of your mouth to clean them or when you hit the sack. In fact, dental implants allow your replacement teeth to act just like your natural ones.

How do I take care of dental implants?

If you’re imagining setting your dentures on the bedside table in a glass of water, you won’t need to do this with dental implants. To take care of your implants and replacement teeth, you simply need to brush, floss and visit us for regular dental checkups. You can also protect your natural teeth and gums from being exposed to bacteria by filling in any gaps, thus reducing the risk of developing any further dental issues. If you take care of your dental implants properly, they should last you a lifetime, so it’s good news all around!

Other benefits

Aside from getting a great smile with no gaps, you should find it easier to chew your food and to speak clearly. You could also reduce any jaw pain you have been experiencing and find that you look younger with dental implants because they can support your face and allow your skin to relax again.

Remember our hygienist!

If you don’t want to lose your teeth, preventive care and our hygienists are here to help you maintain dental hygiene Sutton. If, however, you do require treatment for missing teeth, we can restore your mouth to a happy and functioning one because you deserve it!

Good dental hygiene for better oral health

Visiting the dentist on a regular basis is very important for good dental hygiene Sutton. Here at Benhill Dental Practice we recommend that you visit the dentist at least every six months and more regularly if you are prone to dental issues. Your dentist will carry out a thorough examination of your teeth and gums to make sure that your teeth are clean, your gums are strong and healthy and that you do not suffer from any underlying dental issues.

Avoiding the dentist can result in the development of many different types of dental problems, which you may not be aware of, as many of these can be asymptomatic to begin with, they can progress quite rapidly and eventually result in irreversible damage to your teeth. You may not realise that you have an issue until you are presenting with toothache, bleeding gums, sensitivity or other uncomfortable and painful symptoms, which are a sign that the issue has progressed significantly and requires urgent attention. This can be avoided by regular visits to our dentist at the practice who will be able to detect any dental conditions from the outset, so that they can be treated quickly and effectively before they are able to have a significant impact on your teeth or surrounding healthy teeth and gums.

Hygienist appointments

After examining your teeth and gums, your dentist may recommend that you have an appointment with your hygienist to help you maintain better dental hygiene Sutton. The hygienist will examine your gums even more closely than the dentist to make sure that you have no signs of gum disease. Gum disease is a common dental issue which is caused by the build-up of plaque on your teeth. Plaque is a sticky substance which forms on the surface of your teeth that can be removed by effective brushing. Unfortunately if plaque is not removed properly then it remains on your teeth and encourages the build-up of bacteria in your mouth and over time hardens, resulting in the formation of tartar. Tartar cannot be removed from your teeth by brushing alone.

The role of your hygienist is to remove excess plaque and tartar from your teeth using specialised cleaning techniques also known as a scale and polish, or a professional clean of your mouth. If you have not visited the hygienist before or you have avoided booking an appointment, then you may find that a significant amount of tartar has formed. Unfortunately this can result in gum disease or even periodontal disease, which is when plaque can not only damage your gums, but also the surrounding supportive structures of your teeth. Your hygienist will carry out a deep clean using scaling and planing techniques, and you will have to maintain a good oral hygiene routine with frequent visits to your dentist and hygienist for good dental hygiene Sutton.

Your dentist will recommend how often you should visit your hygienist, although it is recommended that you visit both the dentist and hygienist at least every six months, this will be dependent on your dental health and you may require more frequent appointments if you are prone to dental issues or excessive plaque and tighter formation. Speak to us at our dental practice today to find out more.

Reasons why dental hygiene Sutton is essential

Most know how important dental hygiene Sutton is, yet still take it for granted. Any dentist will tell you that most of the cases they see are preventable, typically caused by neglect or partial neglect.


So what exactly are you doing wrong, and what can you do to improve the condition of your mouth, teeth, and gums? Read on to find out; perfect teeth are easier to achieve than you might think at our clinic, Benhill Dental Practice!

Where can I improve?

  • Brush your teeth

Improve your dental health by strictly and conscientiously adhering to the basics. This includes regular brushing and trips to the dentist twice a year, or as instructed by your oral health practitioner.

You need to dedicate an appropriate amount of time to clean your teeth, which is approximately two to three minutes, at least twice a day. A quick, 30-second swap will do little to remove bacteria accumulating on your gum line and between your teeth. Additionally, excess plaque will cling to the surfaces of your teeth, turning them an unsightly yellow. You may also suffer from bad breath.

  • Floss daily

Don’t forget to floss either, as these filaments remove plaque where your brush can’t reach. Many people see flossing as optional when it should form a crucial part in upkeep your oral health.

  • Tips for parents

Parents struggling to get their easily distracted offspring to brush their teeth for the prescribed time is challenging, but not impossible. Make the task fun by turning it into a competition with the winner receiving an award. Ensure that the prize doesn’t negatively impact their dental health, like sweets.

  • Best brushing technique

Learn the techniques necessary to eradicate most germs hiding in your mouth. Considering that the mouth is a breeding ground for a trifecta of bacteria, you won’t reach them all. However, by brushing your teeth correctly increases your chances of optimising your oral health. If you think that your teeth cleaning ritual isn’t correct or only partially removing germs, ask our dentist for a quick demonstration.

  • Choosing the right brush

The brush you use on your teeth is also essential. Choose one with soft to medium bristles as this allows the brush to bend and reach under the gumline, which is a popular breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Don’t make the mistake of choosing a utensil with more rigid bristles, thinking it will remove more bacteria as you might be wearing down tooth structure at the same time.

If you don’t like manual brushes, go electric. Electric toothbrushes equipped with rotating heads are as efficient and beneficial for those with limited mobility.

  • Stick to your dental appointments

Life’s busy but stick to your dental appointments for the sake of your dental hygiene Sutton and health. These routine checkups make detecting dental issues a possibility, saving you time and money in the future on larger problems that require complicated and expensive procedures to treat.

  • Change your diet and lifestyle

It’s not only cleaning your teeth and seeing the dentist that’s important. Adopting a balanced, nutritious diet also contributes to better oral health. Do this by curbing your intake of sugary and greasy food, while eating more fruit, vegetables, and lean proteins. Remember to hydrate often and moderate your drinking habits. If appropriate, look into smoking cessation therapy!

Want to improve your dental hygiene before the Christmas party? Visit our hygienist at Benhill Dental Practice!

In life, prevention is better than cure and nowhere is this more accurately demonstrated than in dentistry.

With the Christmas season just around the corner, many people are shopping for those festive chocolates and sweets that, while delicious, can cause havoc with our mouths if we don’t have a good oral hygiene routine in place.

dental-hygiene-suttonGood oral hygiene means more than simply brushing your teeth twice a day. While it is important to brush away the daily accumulation of plaque, when approaching the Christmas period at a time you know your sweet tooth will win, there are other steps you can take to stop issues from arising with your teeth and gums.

At Benhill Dental Practice, our team are always eager to help our patients keep their teeth in tip-top shape. If you are worried about your dental hygiene in Sutton during the run up to Christmas, book an appointment with our hygienist today!

How can we help improve your dental hygiene in Sutton? Read on to find out!

Reducing plaque

As mentioned previously, brushing your teeth twice a day can help reduce plaque accumulation on the surface of your teeth, but did you know you may also have plaque below the gum line?

Visiting our hygienist for a scale and polish is one of the fastest ways to improve your dental hygiene in Sutton and involves a specialised form of brushing, just under the gum line to remove plaque and prevent tooth decay.

Removal of plaque below the gum line also reduces the likelihood of conditions like gingivitis and other types of gum disease, no one wants bleeding gums at a Christmas party!

Preventing and treating gum disease

There are many causes of gum disease, with the most common cause being an excess of plaque in the mouth.

Unfortunately, some people may just be unlucky and will need the help of a hygienist to manage their gum disease.

Our hygienist will be able to help with mild to severe cases of gum disease, offering treatments such as prescription mouthwash to alleviate swollen gums, while also performing scaling and polishing to remove any plaque.

In more extreme cases of gum disease, our team may suggest root planing or debridement, to remove deep seated plaque from the roots of your teeth, which has been found to be helpful in extreme instances of gum disease. If you have ulcerative gingivitis, our team will prescribe antibiotics and painkillers as treatment.

Tooth whitening

Did you know our hygienist at Benhill Dental Practice can improve the visual appearance of your teeth too?

If your teeth are given the all clear for plaque and signs of gum disease, our hygienist can help give your smile a bit of dazzle for that upcoming Christmas party with the Zoom tooth whitening system.

Combining both at-home and in the dental chair whitening, Zoom can lighten the colour of your teeth by up to 8 shades in as little as 2 weeks; giving your healthy smile a striking glow that you will want to show off.

Why clean teeth matter

Apart from making you more kissable, why is dental hygiene so important? Do you really need to come to the dentist for a check-up twice a year and see the hygienist? Or are you paying for nothing?

Well, in a way, at Benhill Dental Practice, we hope you are. You see we think that a good check-up is a check-up that gives you the information that your dental hygiene in Sutton is working.

Dental Hygiene in SuttonThese days good dentistry aims to have you keep your teeth for life. And the only way to do that is to have a good dental hygiene routine. If you carefully brush your teeth with a good toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste twice a day, if you floss between your teeth to remove stuck food, and maybe use a mouthwash too, you stand a good chance of hanging onto your teeth.

If you don’t, chances are you’ll lose them to decay or gum disease. When you clean your teeth, you are trying to remove the sticky film of bacteria called plaque that builds up on them throughout the day.

Plaque and tooth decay

These bacteria are harmless in themselves, but as they feed on the sugars in your mouth from food and drinks (beware the sugary soda drinks), they give off acids.

These acids can eat into your tooth enamel, creating tiny holes through which more bacteria can sneak in. They then start decaying your tooth. You won’t feel it happening until it’s serious, but a dental check-up is there to spot the decay in its early stages and stop it getting so bad that you could even have to have root canal therapy or an extraction.

Plaque and gum disease

When plaque builds up along the gum line, the acids irritate and inflame the gum, and can pull it away from the tooth, creating pockets. More bacteria can get in here and then the acids can start to attack the bone. In this advanced stage of gum disease, the teeth can become loose and even fall out.

Regular check-ups and professional cleanings can keep plaque in check.

Protect your teeth with preventive dentistry in Sutton

If you don’t take good care of your teeth and gums, you may find yourself spending a lot of money on restorative dental care. By practising preventive dentistry, you can safeguard yourself from gum disease and reduce the chances of tooth decay.

At Benhill Dental Practice, we believe that prevention is better than cure and we emphasise the importance of ongoing good oral hygiene in Sutton. Effective preventive dentistry combines at-home oral care with regular visits to the dentists for check-ups and cleanings. Our friendly and experienced hygienist, Debbie, is particularly interested in educating children on the long-term benefits of good oral care.

Oral Hygiene in SuttonWhy are dental appointments important

Visiting the dentist and the hygienist on a regular basis is very important for the health of the teeth and gums of patients of all ages. During your appointment, your hygienist will clean your teeth and gums thoroughly ensuring that all traces of plaque and tartar have been removed. This procedure involves the use of special equipment and pastes to ensure a thorough and effective cleaning, especially in those areas of the mouth that are difficult to reach with brushing alone.

Debbie can also help you treat active gum disease, a leading cause of tooth loss and bad breath. Gum disease can go unnoticed for a long period of time, but sometimes early symptoms include sensitivity, swelling and red gums that bleed when you brush your teeth. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should have your gums checked up by a dentist or hygienist straight away. The quicker we diagnose the problem, the better for your oral health.

Besides cleaning your teeth and gums at the dental practice, our hygienist will also offer helpful advice on effective brushing techniques and aftercare. Moreover, we offer teeth whitening treatment for patients who wish to brighten their smile and regain their confidence in their appearance.

Protect your health with preventive dentistry

Oral health is linked to overall health, therefore, preventive dentistry is important to your overall wellbeing. Oral diseases can hinder your ability to eat, chew or speak properly, affecting your basic daily routine and self-confidence. More importantly, children who suffer from oral diseases may experience development problems.

What is dental hygiene?

Dental hygiene is the practice of keeping the mouth and teeth clean to prevent dental problems. The most common ailments include:dental cavities, gingivitis, periodontal diseases and bad breath. There are also mouth diseases, in which good oral hygiene is required for healing and regeneration of the oral tissues. These conditions can include gingivitis, periodontists or dental trauma, such as that experienced after a wisdom tooth extraction.

dental-hygiene-in-suttonDental hygienists

At Benhill Dental Practice, our staff who specialise in dental hygiene in Sutton are called dental hygienists. The hygienist’s main job is to prevent and treat gum disease. This will include professionally cleaning your teeth, by removing plaque and tartar. This is called a scale and polish.

Our dental hygienists’ most important role is showing you the best way to keep your teeth free of plaque. Plaque is a coating that forms constantly on your teeth. Our hygienists will also give advice about diet and about preventing tooth decay, to ensure your dental hygiene is the finest it can be. The hygienist will work with our dental team to give you care that is tailored to your needs.

At Benhill Dental Practice your dental hygienist has been specially trained to carry out scaling and polishing and can spend longer with you than your dentist. They are also experts at teaching you how to look after your teeth and gums. Often your dental hygienist will spend several appointments getting your gums healthy and ready for the dentist to restore your teeth with crowns and fillings.

Why is dental hygiene in Sutton important?

Regular professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar, combined with looking after your teeth and gums properly at home, can greatly improve your mouth’s health. A healthy mouth will greatly improve your appearance, help you to keep your teeth and give you fresh breath.

To maintain your dental hygiene in Sutton, we recommend that you follow three simple steps. Brush your teeth last thing at night and at least one other time during the day using a fluoride toothpaste. Also, we recommend you cut down on how often you have sugary foods and drinks. Most importantly you should visit Benhill Dental Practice regularly to ensure a good level of dental hygiene in Sutton.

Dental Hygiene

Good dental hygiene is essential to maintaining a healthy mouth. The best dental hygiene packages combine a strong home-care routine with regular visits to your hygienist.

dental hygieneWhen most people think of the dental hygienist, the first thing that comes to mind is a scale and polish. While it’s true that your hygienist will professionally clean your teeth – using special pastes and equipment to remove even the most stubborn stains, plaque and tartar that can build up in hard-to-reach places – they will also do much more than that.

Your hygienist will also:

1 Provide bespoke home-care advice

Benhill Dental Practice’s hygienist, Debbie, will provide you with home-care advice tailored to suit your individual needs. This may include brushing and flossing techniques and the use of special equipment such as interdental brushes to ensure you get the most from your home cleaning routine. If you are receiving orthodontic treatment that involves wearing a fixed brace, or have other special care needs such as dental implants or bridges, Debbie will ensure you know how to look after them properly.

2 Provide dietary advice

Debbie will provide age-appropriate advice on how your diet affects your dental health, including how sugary and acidic foods and drinks can damage your teeth.

3 Identify and treat gum disease

Most people will experience gum diseases at some point. Early symptoms include swollen and/or bleeding gums, and bad breath. Untreated gum disease can lead to tooth loss, but with swift intervention from your hygienist you can prevent it from becoming serious.

4 Help children develop a good dental health routine

As well as working at Benhill Dental Practice in Sutton, hygienist Debbie founded the popular Toothy Pegs Club, which helps to educate children about the importance of good dental hygiene and teach them how to look after their teeth. Toothy Pegs uses fun puppet characters to help children learn about dental hygiene in an entertaining and informative, age-appropriate way.