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Benhill Dental Practice


Category: Dental Phobia

Therapeutic Approaches to Conquer Dental Phobia Sutton

Welcome to Benhill Dental Practice, a haven where dental phobia becomes a thing of the past. We understand that a visit to the dentist can be nerve-wracking for some patients, and we are here to change that perception. By utilising a blend of state-of-the-art technology and compassionate care, we strive to provide a comfortable dental experience that erases all fears. Our dental professionals are not just skilled in performing their tasks; they are also adept at providing the gentle care you need. So, replace the term ‘dental phobia’ with ‘dental phobia Sutton‘, and discover how we at Benhill Dental Practice work tirelessly to conquer this fear. We hope you’ll join us on this journey towards a fear-free dental future.


Understanding Dental Phobia: An Overview

Before we delve into our strategies to overcome dental phobia, let’s understand what it is. Dental phobia is an intense fear or dread of visiting the dentist, often resulting in neglected oral health. It could be triggered by various factors, such as past traumatic experiences or fear of pain. People afflicted with dental phobia often suffer in silence, allowing their oral health to deteriorate over time. The good news is, with understanding and proper care, this fear can be conquered, and that’s where we come in. At Benhill Dental Practice, we make it our mission to transform ‘dental phobia Sutton‘ from a fear-inducing phrase into a term that symbolises courage and resilience.

The Role of Benhill Dental Practice in Addressing Dental Phobia

Our role at Benhill Dental Practice transcends just providing quality dental services; we aim to be a sanctuary for individuals grappling with dental phobia. We recognise that every patient is unique, with different triggers and levels of anxiety. Hence, we adopt a personalised approach, spending time to understand your fears and concerns. Our skilled team then devises a tailored plan that ensures your comfort and relaxation. We couple this with offering comprehensive education about procedures, thereby demystifying the unknown and reducing anxiety. At Benhill, we’re together in the battle against dental phobia. We’re more than just a dental clinic; we’re a safe space where fears dissipate, and smiles blossom.

Our Therapeutic Approaches to Dental Phobia

We combat dental phobia at Benhill Dental Practice via a combination of therapeutic methods. Firstly, we practise ‘Tell, Show, Do,’ a technique where we explain procedures, show the instruments, then carry out the treatment. This method helps alleviate fear of the unknown. Additionally, we offer sedation dentistry for those with heightened anxiety, ensuring a calm, relaxed visit. Our team also utilises cognitive-behavioural therapy, helping patients unlearn their fear and replace it with a positive perception of dental visits. Through these approaches, we help transform the phrase ‘dental phobia Sutton’ from an anxiety-inducing term to a symbol of triumph over fear. At Benhill, we’re not just about maintaining your oral health; we’re about embracing fear and turning it into courage.

Success Stories: Overcoming Dental Phobia at Benhill

We take immense pride in the numerous success stories we’ve nurtured at Benhill Dental Practice. Patients who once trembled at the thought of a dental appointment now approach their visits with confidence and optimism. Each smile we preserve, each fear we conquer, adds to our ever-growing tapestry of triumph over dental phobia. We’ve had patients who, after experiencing our compassionate care, now champion dental health and hygiene without fear. We are not just in the business of fixing teeth; we’re in the business of changing lives. So, when you think of ‘dental phobia Sutton’, think of it as a story with a happy ending, a story of transformation that unfolds right here at Benhill Dental Practice.

Dental phobia Sutton can be overcome with Benhill Dental Practice

At Benhill Dental Practice, there has been a dental practice running for over 80 years on our site, and we are very much part of the community. We care about all of our patients, young and old, and we believe that practising gentle dentistry is essential for ensuring that the whole family is confident about visiting us and having the treatment they need. For those with dental phobia Sutton, we understand that you may have suffered from a bad experience; you may not like the smell of a dental practice, or perhaps you really can’t put your finger on why you don’t fancy visiting a dentist. At Benhill Dental Practice, however, we believe in getting everybody the treatment that they need to have a happy and healthy smile. If you require emergency treatment in the first instance, we are available throughout the whole week, and after this, we will encourage you to come and get the preventive care you need to limit the possibility of further extensive work being required.


I’m scared. How are you going to treat me?!

When you first come to see us, you can take all the time you need to talk about your dental issues, and we will take as much time as you need to explain the treatment you will require. We will never force you to have anything done that you aren’t ready for, nor will we rush you to start or continue with treatment. We are trained and experienced in dealing with dental phobia Sutton, and we never need to use sedation because our treatments are comfortable and we use local anaesthesia when necessary, so you won’t feel a thing. Moreover, with the latest techniques and technology at our disposal, your treatment time will always be as quick or as slow as you want it to be. We will gently encourage you at every stage so that you know exactly what is happening, giving you the confidence that you are in control of your own treatment at all times. With our approach, many nervous patients are now regularly visiting us as required and are having their treatment. We believe that you will be able to feel this way about your treatment too.

Find out more

For an initial consultation, you can come in and meet our friendly team without the pressure of having any treatment. You can familiarise yourself with the practice, and we can discuss your concerns about feeling nervous, as well as what you are hoping to be treated for. Through this discussion, we hope to allay your initial fears and prepare you for the next stages of your treatment. Together, we can find a way forward to getting you a beautiful, healthy and truly happy smile. If you are comfortable, we can also take x-rays of your mouth and check your mouth for signs of oral cancer to ensure that you don’t have this, as well as look for signs of tooth decay, as well as your gum health. With these initial checks, there will be no actual treatment involved, so you can get used to being with us, and we will reassure you at every stage of your dental MOT! We’re ready to get you revved up and ready to go on the road to great oral health.

Have a dental phobia? Our team answers common FAQs

Do you have a fear of the dentist which is beginning to impact your confidence?

At Benhill Dental Practice, our team is trained to help you overcome any dental phobia Sutton you may have and we always endeavour to make your trip to see us as pleasant as possible.

Here, our team answers the most common questions we receive about having a dental phobia Sutton, so use this information to help conquer your fears.

What causes dental aversion?

There are many reasons why someone may develop a dental phobia Sutton.

In many cases, this problem has been caused by a situation early in life; perhaps you were seen by a dentist who was not very compassionate, or perhaps you recall a toothache that led to a very unpleasant experience in the dental chair.

Irrespective of the cause of your dental aversion, it is important to have it managed appropriately by a trained and sympathetic team. Avoiding check-ups can lead to more serious issues, such as tooth decay and gum disease, which in turn can cause more invasive and unpleasant experiences to occur.

If you have a phobia of the dentist and want to overcome it, please contact our team.

What can be done to help me relax?

Luckily, our team can offer you a myriad of options to help you relax.

For one thing, we are proud to be able to offer pain-free dentistry; this is possible due to our team’s expertise and the equipment that we use throughout the procedures.

Should you like to be more ‘in the know’ during treatments, our team will happily talk you through what we are doing and will be able to offer reassurance at every stage of the process. If you are undertaking a more complex procedure, we will be able to offer you a local anaesthetic.

I haven’t seen a dentist in a while; will I be judged due to the condition of my teeth?

Not by our team!

At the practice, our team always aims to practise compassionate dentistry and will endeavour to make you feel as relaxed as possible while we examine and work on your teeth.

We are also aware of the spiral that can occur with dental anxieties; you have a concern and thus you avoid getting it seen to due to fear of being judged. Our team wants you to have a healthy, functional mouth and so we will never lecture or belittle you over dental hygiene.

Do you offer pain-free dentistry?

Our team at Benhill strives to offer pain-free dentistry. By using the most gentle and advanced tools, we can ensure that your trip to see our team will be as pleasant as possible.

If at any time during a dental procedure you feel discomfort, please inform our team and we will endeavour to alleviate it.

Can you help me allay my fears of the dentist?

We will always aim to make our nervous patients feel as relaxed as possible when they visit us.

And, to help prevent further issues from occurring, we will aim to prevent problems that may arise in the future. This may involve the use of fluoride sealants to inhibit decay. In short, everything we do at the surgery will be to make sure your trip to see us is as comfortable as possible, while also helping you overcome your dental concerns.

Tips for managing dental phobia in Sutton

No matter what age you are, going to the dentist can still be quite a nerve-wracking experience. Having a fear or feelings of anxiety about going to a practice is pretty common and there are a number of ways we can help you with your dental phobia in Sutton.

Dental Phobia in SuttonHere’s a few things you can try to keep yourself calm.

Listen to music

One good tip we can provide to help with dental phobia in Sutton is to listen to some music while you’re going through your treatments. Having your favourite track bumping away in your ears is a sure-fire way to distract yourself from what’s going on around you.

Although, if you’re making a playlist, we recommend that you try to limit it to calming music, sadly thumping bass lines and roaring metal can make your heart rate rise, which is not what you’re after.

Talk to our team

We really can’t stress it enough that you have to communicate with us whilst you’re in the practice. If you are a little shy to speak up, then we are happy to suggest a visual way of communicating when things are getting a little too much for you.

One of the biggest fears of patients suffering with dental phobia in Sutton, is having things go out of their control when they’re having a treatment performed. That’s why you need to signal that you need a break when things are a little too much or you just need a breather for a while.

At Benhill Dental Practice, our team will strive to provide you with a gentle, calming and relaxing atmosphere, as we help you improve your smile.

Bring in a bear

It may sound a little odd, but bringing in something from home is a great way to distract yourself during procedures. Having that familiar texture and smell of something, from a place where you feel safe, can help create a little calming focus for patients that might start to feel the anxiety kick in.

Practice calming breathing techniques

One of the main causes of feelings of anxiety is a spike in your Adrenaline levels. This is because in a stressful situation your bodies natural ‘fight or flight’ response kicks in and your system floods with Adrenaline. This manifests in shaking, sweating, high heart rate, tightness in the chest and a general feeling of anxiety.

To counteract this, the general recommendation is to slowly inhale through your nose and then exhale back out through your mouth. Repeating this a few times will increase your body’s oxygen intake, which in turn, allows it to break down the Adrenaline much quicker. As this is broken down, you should start to feel calmer and more relaxed.

There are a number of techniques to try and each one has its own unique benefits and levels of complexity.

So, as you can see there’s plenty of simple ways to keep yourself calm during your appointments. For further advice on how you can stay relaxed, just ask our team on your next visit.

Don’t let your phobia ruin your teeth

The trouble with being scared of the dentist is that you don’t go to the dentist. If you suffer from dental phobia in Sutton, you are not alone. It is estimated that about 13% of people worldwide have a proper phobia of going to the dentist. This isn’t just being a bit nervous about what might happen at the dentist, but having full blown extreme anxiety, with sweats and trembling.

Dental Phobia in SuttonDental phobia is so bad for some sufferers that they just can’t face going to the dentist. Even if they make it as far as getting an appointment, they probably won’t turn up for it. And repeatedly being unable to actually get yourself across the threshold of the practice, can lead to a terrible shame about yourself building up. Along with that shame goes the increased likelihood of decay and gum disease. Cavities don’t get seen to, and they get worse. Untreated gum disease can lead to bad breath, and wobbly teeth. The conditions inside your mouth can deteriorate to the point that you can’t face showing it to the dentist for fear of what they might say. When you do finally come along, maybe because the pain you’ve been suffering for months has finally become unbearable, you have teeth extracted that could have just had a tiny filling a few months back. You have to go for intense gum treatment when, last year, a scale and polish with the hygienist would be sorted you out. Now you need replacement teeth and months of 0% finance to cover the costs of treatment.

If you suffer from dental phobia, don’t let this happen to you. Come to us at Benhill Dental Practice, where we know all about dental phobia and can treat you in a compassionate, non-judgemental manner. We won’t just stick you in the chair and let you get on with it, we will want to know all about what makes you scared and what we can do to make you less frightened, whether it be frequent breaks with signals agreed beforehand, and/or sedation. We will find a way to make treatment easier for you.