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Benhill Dental Practice


Why dental hygiene Sutton is really worth it

When it comes to dental hygiene Sutton, you may think that brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash regularly have got you covered. However, you also need to add routine checkups with our dentist to ensure that all is well with your oral health. At Benhill Dental Practice, we have been treating patients at our current site for over 80 years, and we understand the importance of preventive dentistry. This is why we have dental hygiene Sutton at the heart of all that we do.

We have two dental hygienists, who are on hand to treat patients by thoroughly cleaning their teeth and gums in a way that toothbrushes and floss threads cannot. We can help make your teeth look lighter and brighter with practice-standard cleaning and address any issues that could lead to gum disease if left untreated. Our hygienists will be able to advise you of any early signs of gum disease, such as swollen gums, and educate you on brushing and flossing techniques to improve your efforts and ensure that you don’t develop serious problems. We don’t want our patients to lose any teeth; however, if you have either due to poor oral hygiene or another reason, such as an accident, we can replace your missing teeth with dental implants.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are tiny screws that can be used to fix your replacement teeth permanently into your mouth. Whether you need to replace a single tooth or a whole set, dental implants will act as bionic roots for your crowns, bridges or dentures. We can attach the screws to your jawbone, and they won’t move at all once the jawbone has healed around them. This will provide the stability your replacement teeth require to stay in your mouth 24-7, meaning you won’t have to take them out of your mouth to clean them or when you hit the sack. In fact, dental implants allow your replacement teeth to act just like your natural ones.

How do I take care of dental implants?

If you’re imagining setting your dentures on the bedside table in a glass of water, you won’t need to do this with dental implants. To take care of your implants and replacement teeth, you simply need to brush, floss and visit us for regular dental checkups. You can also protect your natural teeth and gums from being exposed to bacteria by filling in any gaps, thus reducing the risk of developing any further dental issues. If you take care of your dental implants properly, they should last you a lifetime, so it’s good news all around!

Other benefits

Aside from getting a great smile with no gaps, you should find it easier to chew your food and to speak clearly. You could also reduce any jaw pain you have been experiencing and find that you look younger with dental implants because they can support your face and allow your skin to relax again.

Remember our hygienist!

If you don’t want to lose your teeth, preventive care and our hygienists are here to help you maintain dental hygiene Sutton. If, however, you do require treatment for missing teeth, we can restore your mouth to a happy and functioning one because you deserve it!